What Attracts Millennials to Events

As of 2017, 9 out of 10 millennials have attended at least one live event in the past 12 months, which has increased from 82% three years previously. However, many events market to millennials incorrectly.

Millennials attend events so they have something to share on social media. 48% of millennials go to events to share something on social media, and 61% of parents attend events just for social media material.

Make the event “Instagram worthy” and set up visually appealing areas that people can post on their Instagram, which will encourage people to post on social media and promote the event as well. Create a hashtag for the event that is displayed at the venue, and remind attendees to use the hashtag when they post.

Millennials will attend events if their friends are also attending the events. In order to get a higher participation of millennials, have a group rate discount for tickets. Also, adding a “share” button to the registration website will allow people to share that they bought tickets on social media with their friends.

Millennials grew up with technology their whole lives, so make sure to have technology integrated into your event. One way to ensure that millennials are happy at an event is to have fast, free Wi-Fi. Another thing to consider is to have charging ports where people can re-charge their devices. Have information sent to the attendee’s phone via notifications on an app during the event in order to keep them engaged and updated.

At the event, do activities that are fun and engaging. Enhance the attendee experience by using crowdmics or catchboxes at the event. Instead of having a traditional classroom setting that millennials could find boring, opt for more discussions and ways that attendees can customize the experience themselves.